This world has the right to Healing Healing is always powerful. It awaits us, and it is there, one step beyond our fears. I composed this music, since I sense the urgency of Healing for the human people. There can be no stalling. The blood spilled for idiocy is far too much. We must move toward Sanity. Our sanity is in danger: monsters appear created by hands that know man's true nature and mislead it by all possible means. Not only do they want us to be unhappy, they want us to be psychotic. This is an intrapsychic battle, which is articulated within us, in our heads, and will sanction a new world, which, as yet, is not given to know. They want a world of slaves. Distressed, without noble soul aspirations, bent to the will of the powerful, without the ability to think and analyze. For this, we need Healing. The world needs healing. There are too many, and too great, wounds. They need to be healed, in a dialogical relationship with the other, endowed with interpretive intelligence. To direct us toward a world of goodness and justice. Love and understanding. Ability to listen and respect. Evil men exist and operate so that their domination is total. It is up to us to oppose them, inside our heads, preventing the evils from penetrating so deeply into us that we can no longer control them. Their purpose is to pollute our souls. Thus, without the ability to dream beautiful things anymore, we will all be doomed. This composition is dedicated to all those who chose voluntary exile. Who have not bowed to diktats. Who still have a dream of Beauty in their hearts. The piece begins with a fragment of diagrammatic music, with which I transformed the word "Phrasing" into sounds, because before Healing, there is the Phrasing of a human being's destructive urges, which can kill him if no action is taken. A fight follows. Healing comes into the human being's life and makes him see the golden exile of choosing not to harm himself anymore. From that position, the individual will see, on top of other mountains, the other people who have chosen to no longer allow anyone to harm their righteous feeling. From that historical moment, in People's lives, comes Victory, which, in the piece, I have represented with a section in G major. The individual begins to make decisions for his own health and Beauty. He does not give in to lies. He no longer lets evil in. It moves toward a new dimension: wholeness. There is the sweet consolation of knowing how much, at last, one's life has deep meaning. There is a chorus of human voices praising exile. To save the world, one must first save oneself. The only truly incredible goal to achieve is the possibility of having a crystal-clear flow of thought. There is a battle in the music, but there is also much consolation. In the end, we run the risk of being alone or with the few people we love, but there is nothing we can do about it. Many will fall into the spiral of a murderous system that intends to undermine the foundations of human life. Many will believe the lies. Many, in an aberrant state of unawareness, will side with the torturers. The world is at war. Healing is urgently needed. There is uproar, spreading catastrophically everywhere. There is hatred, leading to violence. There is, above all, a war that the powerful have launched against us, against our brains. Against the beautiful soul of man, who wants to fly like an eagle. This piece is an Ode to Healing. He who has seen, can no longer pretend. He who has understood, will never go back. Those who have heard, within themselves, the call to Beauty and Peace, can no longer believe true the claims of the powerful of the day, who exalt their wars. It is an intrapsychic war, yes, that which is being celebrated within our minds, between Good, which knows how to wait and Evil, which, with all its sinuous forms of capturing the attention of the bystanders, seeks to sow proselytes. We are at the most important crossroads of our lives: either to follow the evildoers, who have been guilty of all sorts of crimes, or to choose a peaceful Revolution that will lead us to an Epoch of Peace and well-being, for all those who will join. This composition has in it a Victory, in G major and a consolation. We are not the wrong ones. We were born in the age when Capital seeks its maximum extension, albeit dying. So we cannot fail. They speak of the "End of History." So, this, for them, is the ultimate and final arrangement of History. We cannot allow it. It is not the end of History, if we neutralize their poison and walk toward the Light. It will be the beginning of a new History, that of the final consecration of Man as a being who knows how to understand and love....
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AutoreI am a seeker of the Sun. I strive for my thoughts to be healing vibrations for all. The World deserves a sublime song. Archivi
Gennaio 2025
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