Modern man experiences two tensions in antithesis, under the banner of the act of war, which is capable of leading him down the path of self-destruction. The first drive is centripetal, inward and is represented by the set of conflicts with one's self, which is other than the ego, and wants to lead the human being toward the full realization of the Person, too often opposed by narcissistic egocentrism. The second tendency, also a symbol of war, is outward, a centrifugal force, against the surrounding world, which, again and again, undermines the individual's ability to be himself. Trapped within these two tensions, the individual does not live. His task will be to dissolve these two drives into acts of love toward himself and others, becoming a creature of light. I have been living an all-encompassing love relationship with a wonderful Woman for 15 years, and I am able to say that love heals. It heals. It interprets and reframes and I believe that there is, for a Person, no better destiny. Days ago, I delivered to the great father of waters a Symphonic Poem, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind." It is a composition in 4 Movements, which has absorbed me for 5 months and into which the experiences of a summer under the banner of Beauty have flowed. It is music in which I believe. It communicates to me great healing vibrations, for a world that is in severe decompensation and not as of today. Violence reigns undisturbed. Selfishness reigns supreme. Perversion is there for all to see. This capitalist system has come to an end. Its chimeras have been chanting the same litany forever. Its maladies ravish men who want to believe in the personal myth of success at the expense of a suffering multitude. There is a need for new Art, which is the La for a New Age of Light. There is an urgent need for a virgin consciousness of men and women, conveying a revolutionary message, that of the fusion of Ego and Self, of Individuation, of harmony between the parts and consonance between subject and object. There is a world, which is in shambles, to be refounded. Man must overcome his own conflicts, which are so cleverly nurtured by the system that wants us to be slaves to the basest drives. The contradictory drives that the system nurses are dissociative and deadly. This world is ruled by a handful of individuals dedicated to destruction. To listen to them is to die. To choose slavery and, slowly, to surrender to a fate that sees us as losers. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is my response to all this chaotic disaster. This Symphonic Poem is dedicated to all men of science, who have always pierced the veil of darkness to radiate light. In particular, I have turned my thoughts to Dr. De Donno, a martyr, who was killed by dominant thinking. In the very first draft of this composition, in the metronomic indication, the word "Individuation" appears. I worked a lot around this concept. The Ego approaches the Self, the two sets merge, the Person is individuated and saved. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is a revolutionary act against the nefariousness of the world. Humanity deserves to sing its most suave melody; no one can stop us. In the Symphonic Poem, 2 sound realities coexist: themes of war, struggle and themes of love, ecstatic and totalizing fusion with the other, which becomes the center of thoughts and feelings. Art must be revolutionary, otherwise it is not art. I have been along my path, for 15 years, since my Companion decided to be by my side and chose me. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is an act of love toward Mankind. Warmth. Affection. It is for all those still fighting the distortions of a system bent on genocide, for that is what it is: they are exterminating our thinking, impoverishing our language, our ability to create thoughts that represent us, our ability to make art. Our acts of generosity. The gentleness with which we reach out to a child playing cheerfully. This world needs to be reformed. Reformed. Reformed. I have done a lot of reflecting over the past 15 years. I have taken the time to listen to my own thoughts. This Symphonic Poem, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," represents the climax of my artistic production. I have refined my musical search. My thoughts always take their place in the score. The harmonic exploration is bold. The rhythms follow one another with fluidity. In "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," there is orchestra, choir and electronic instruments. It is the largest ensemble I have ever composed for. Maybe one day this music will reach a heart that will feel it's own. Until that day, I will continue to compose. I am satisfied with the choices made. This composition fully represents me. These sounds are all my own. I have always had the need to express myself, ever since I was a child. Now those my sound frescoes. I paint harmonic canvases. I compose my rhythmic mosaics. I do not know when this system will collapse. The end is near. Then it will be necessary for people of good will to work together for the genesis of a New Age of Light, yet to come, which will represent the final consecration of the Psyche of man and its legitimate demands. In the Symphonic Poem "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," the struggle exists and spreads from every stave. It is a struggle for life, healing vibrations are spreading, the goal of freedom is closer. In the New Age of Light there will be a need for new art, capable of flowing from the innermost depths of the Person to branch out in all directions as a song of love. The road is still long. It is necessary to walk it with one's own feet, in the company of those who love us. I am grateful to life for the fellow travelers it has placed beside me. There will be no triumph of Psyche in the capitalist world. There will be no collective joy of a marvelous tribe whose ingenuity raises its song to the firmament. This is a system of man against man, not of Person embracing another Person. This is not a world of love; violence and overpowering triumphs everywhere. Every single aspect of community life must be rethought. As long as there is a man who takes over the lives of others, there will be no peace. Psyche has its own alphabet and syntax. He who destroys it is the enemy of the people. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" wants to convey love, that tension toward the infinite that matures in the hearts of People after they struggle for their own individuation, separating themselves from evil and moving their steps toward Beauty. There will be no redemption from human suffering in the system that produced and nurtured it. This capitalist system is alienating. This Symphonic Poem intends to be a rupture. What was, is gone, gone, and, if we want it, will never return. What is, depends on us, our choices and our acts of love. What will be depends on the totality of the choices of the tribe members. Man cannot suffer eternally. That condition is not for him. Humanity deserves joy. Children must play carefree. A young woman has the right to love her fiancé. An old man must be able to enjoy soup in the company of good music. These are the thoughts I had while writing "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind." There will be revolutionary new music. New frescoes. New paintings. Humanity will hail the Beauty that is inherent in its gestures, in the hearts, in the minds of those who have tried, without tiring, to conceive a world without more violence. I believe this. I must believe it to live a worthy existence. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is an act of denunciation: the Psyche is humiliated and killed every day by malevolent forces all working for the same goal, that of enslaving Mankind. Someday someone will read these lines, I know. One day, all this overflowing vulgarity will end. An elderly person's gesture of affection toward his grandchild will be rediscovered. There will be singing. It will be played in the streets. The great monster will be placed in the condition of no longer harming anyone. To the lords masters of the world, it will be explained that their time is over and the world, by magic, will become wonderful again. We deserve joy. We deserve to be well. To individuate and fulfill ourselves. No more evil. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is a hymn to Goodness. To Beauty. To the Love that resignifies and interprets everything. To that Humanity which, though in difficulty, has never tired of dreaming of a better tomorrow. Today is the day. Today. Today we can be well, beyond the pitfalls of an executioner system. Our present matters. I identified myself through the Love of my Companion, who healed me. With infinite grace, she healed my wounds. With joy, she has always kept me close to her, in a world of charisma and touch, devotion and kisses. I know that the path leading to Individuation may seem hard at first, but, with each step, the joy of being further and further away from evil and closer to one's true Identity as a Person increases. The individual is not programmed to do things on his own. He does not reveal himself to himself except through the mirror of clear water in which Otherness invites him to have his image reflected. One grows in relationship. One is consecrated in relationship with another endowed with interpretive intelligence and analytical capacity, who will read our inner poem aloud to us, feeling it as the greatest work of art ever conceived. It is the triumph of Love. Love is sanity. Research. Authentication. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" wants to convey Beauty, and it does so also thanks to the Struggle Themes, which in the Symphonic Poem return in various guises and radiate a mighty light that wants to reach the listener's innermost part to contribute to the gestation of a new Person. We have been living through a dark period of History for several epochs, and there is never a limit to the disgust. It is necessary to rebel. I am there. The New Age of Light will have its own new art form, capable of conveying concepts and emotions, thoughts and feelings. We must not be fooled: this is by no means the best of all possible worlds. This is a toilet, other than a world... We fight with intellect. With Reason. With thought. One day, perhaps not too far away, courtly trumpets will announce the New Age of Light. People will be determined not to want to harm each other. The world will again be a hospitable place. Children will not have to fear. I remain hopeful. Always. I have the need to hope. They cannot win. It is not fair. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" opposes, with rigor and determination, the injustices of a handful of criminals who rule the world, killing the Psyche of People. One day, all this will be only a painful memory because People will have learned to love each other and there will be no more murderous power. One day, evil will be extinguished. One day, there will be the joy of the tribe of men hailing themselves as the most beautiful form of community that has lived on Planet Earth and they will be right... The world will again be a hospitable and peaceful place in which People can cooperate in gladness to help each other. There will be no lust for possession. No one will try to impose himself. Everything will be on a human scale. Utopia is necessary when times are dark. You don't live on lunches and travel alone. The world needs your Individuation, our search for healthy Identity. I will be there. You? We cannot leave everything in the hands of filthy individuals who want us to be slaves to a murderous system of things. No, we can't. Instead, we can start building a healthy world made up of People who are committed to creating instead of destroying. We can be happy as of now. We can. I know it. We do not allow pessimism to ravage us. We do not allow the media to affect our mood. Let us not listen to defeatists, who work for the system. Let us not lose heart.
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AutoreI am a seeker of the Sun. I strive for my thoughts to be healing vibrations for all. The World deserves a sublime song. Archivi
Gennaio 2025
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