Hello, Marineros! Today I am writing my thoughts relative to the concluding part of my journey to date. When we were all in lockdown, I started writing music, improvising it on the keyboard, to which I gave the title "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible." That day, I was looking for sounds, having in mind a Chopin succession. I thought of the initial chord of the succession, a Neapolitan sixth, and tried the same chord myself, with the addition of a dissonant sound. I liked what I heard. I ran to write in a new score that chordal agglomeration. I had before me the incipit of a new piece. I worked hard on it. I led it to a state of formal perfection. I let it settle, and then took it up again and again, handling and correcting it, modifying and chiseling it. I then decided that I would send it to an International Composition Competition, in Japan. It is by far the piece that I have worked on the most, in the span of two years. It is the story, in music, of a Person, a different one, who finds and discovers his own identity through the love that resignifies everything. That all heals. That everything magnifies. It is the discovery of a good breast that welcomes, loves, nourishes and reveals. Today, just thinking about how heartbroken I was during the period of Covid restrictions, I feel sad. We were all alone. All abandoned. All hopelessly in a state of quiet desperation, just as the system wanted us to be. I, for example, being in a small town separate from that of my Companion, could not see her for 2 months and it was so hard, although I relied on a routine that allowed me to remain in a dimension of relative well-being. Over time I honed the tools to analyze and better "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible," to the point of creating a melodic trumpet line that generated a new song within the score. I am happy, since I created the conditions to express myself in what was the beginning of the darkest phase of this end of the third Millennium. It is as if something told me, "Express yourself so as not to perish. "Study." "Process." The trap of depression then was as dangerous and devious as ever. There were so many reasons to veer into a pessimistic state without a scintillating vision of the future. I, with disdain, refused to fall into the traps of the system, which, with malice aforethought, had decided to lead People to despair so that it could better control them. "My Lady's Breast - Portrait of an Invisible" is a hymn to life. A sublime and nostalgic elegy, strong in its message, certain in its form, powerful in its affirmation of a love that cannot be corrupted by the decisions of rulers who crave the subjugation of Humanity and the killing of diversity, so as to have an amorphous mass of myopic and prone obedient people. "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible" is a love song, that psychic dimension that allows man to be reborn again and again, in a progression toward Beauty which is, in itself, authenticity and light. People can evolve. People can transform themselves. People know that they have the opportunity to become better, and this pointed me in the direction during the writing of "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible," certain that, one day, someone would find themselves in those notes, listening and re-listening to this piece, the sounds of which were penned in the momentum that a lover has toward his Muse. "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible" intends to convey the message that in life nothing is really ever lost. One can always try new paths and, suddenly, love will come, the real kind, capable of giving itself without asking for anything in return. This composition revolves around the concept of Possibility, which a Person should never lack. They wanted to take everything away from us: they awakened us. They yearned to kill diversity: now the diverse are more aware than before, being proud of their peculiarities. They reset our constitutional rights: they made us a prouder people. Many still sleep in the lethargy of the system's maladies. It is to them that my thoughts go. Many still believe in TV. Some are irretrievably gone, lost forever, as bishops of the system that suckles them with its poison. Love, in composition, is the prime mover of a Person's existence. I do not know what I would have done if I had not met my Companion. "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible" intends to convey a message of goodness, after so many years of struggle, internal and external, to heal oneself and the world, so in severe disarray, adrift. It is a portrait of an invisible becoming the Person of a Woman who is able to love and care for her. It is natural that this process can affect everyone. The system wants us distressed and empty. Puppets, mostly. We cannot accept this state of affairs, and by rebelling, we can become Light. Love. Peace. We can indeed build a better world. We must do it; it is our task. Let us not give in to sadness, which is the gateway to depression. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is a continuation of "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible," since, in the second composition man asks his Love to heal him from the evil of the world. Love is the greatest healer: with righteous acts and fair words endowed with sound interpretive skills it leads the other to his fullest realization. "Heal me," therefore. Healthy and read intelligently. Choose carefully the words you speak. The world is in darkness. New and old projections of evil are appearing on the scene of the Third Millennium. There is a mind that commands everything. It is the result of the intelligences bent on evil that rule the Planet. They are very dangerous men. They live in a deep psychosis, dark as lead. They know how to kill. They know how to send young people to the front. They know how to starve peoples. To this prospect my composition vigorously opposes. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," heal me from the negative and destructive influences, which Love knows how to drive away permanently. The individual is equipped with all the tools to resist, if he or she meets Love. The Person can do great things, for himself and the other he intercepts along his way. I am convinced of this. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is intimate. At times, it is almost whispered. It is in the dimension of the small, childlike life that remains within us that we utter our most heartfelt words of love. This composition was finished when I was experiencing a tense moment related to my mother's state of health, for which I was striving to produce healing vibrations toward the world and my family unit. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" wishes to convey an invitation not to give up so that, one day not too far away, we can all be well, in respect and justice. I will never resign myself to the victory, on all fronts, of evil. Those people should be placed in the position of never harming anyone again. Indeed, in this second composition, there is the unshakable hope that individuals can respond appropriately, having resisted, with the strength of their own identity, all attacks from outside. Healing is the categorical imperative of existence. There is no nobler mission. There is nothing else to do. Love and work, after identifying oneself. Taking care of one's Love, after discovering oneself in the embrace with the other who becomes mirror, Muse, confidant and invitation to do well and give oneself in totality. The world is in severe imbalance, we have said. It is adrift and no one seems to be able to save it, but we can love one another to turn this whole system of things around. No Person is ever healed alone: the dialogic You is needed, capable of correctly interpreting the instances and experience, restoring to the individual the exact image of all their Selves. "Libertas, filia veritatis," "Freedom, daughter of truth." "Libertas, filia veritatis" is the last, in chronological terms, the third in the succession. I started from the phrase "Veritas, filia temporis," "Truth is the daughter of time," and thought that Truth generates the Freedom to be oneself, without more deception. I have been reflecting a lot these days since my birthday, which is now 50. I have thought that we all have the right to be well, in truth, facing the trials to become free human beings. The freedom to be a man without more hypocrisy and subterfuge is linked to Truth. It is Truth that makes People capable of choosing. We can. We must love each other. We must not let evil, which dwells in the hearts of abject and aberrant beings, win. Truth, to know. Truth, to distinguish. Truth, to love that which comes to us to ennoble us. Freedom is always freedom to love. To edify. Choose. They do not want us free and we will be free. They crave our submission and we will stand erect before their lies, in peace. They plot our destruction and we will build and rebuild as often as necessary. Freedom is always the child of Truth, which springs from the bowels of time. There can be no Freedom, in the fiction of hypocrisy. I have always wondered what Humanity needed in order to be happy, and I answered myself how much a dialogical mirror is needed that is able to return a perfect and accomplished image of anyone's identity. I do not fear only those who intend harm. I regret the sleepers, those who, especially during the Covid pandemic, submitted to the will of powerful people who undermined, through the media, the serenity of all. Freedom is the daughter of Truth, absolutely. It is the daughter of those who no longer tell lies to each other. Of those who do not operate evil. Of those who have decided to accept and transform everything into a healthy and just world. Fair. Wonderful. "Libertas, filia veritatis" is also this. It is the path that leads a Person to the revelation of his or her healthy Self. Free. True. It is the path we should all explore, without fear, since it represents the best way to live, in harmony with others. Freedom is the child of Truth, always and everywhere. One cannot be free in operating evil. That is not what Freedom is. Truth is liberating. After the revelation, people's gaze is clear, the vision clear, the step certain, toward a New Age of Light. I do not give up. I want to see a new and just world. I want to be able to rejoice with those I love. With those who have chosen me. With those who care for me and to whom I give my whole self always. This music is an invitation. It is a dance. It is a call to all who intend to enter the New Age of Light to acclaim their status as People who love and respect.
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AutoreI am a seeker of the Sun. I strive for my thoughts to be healing vibrations for all. The World deserves a sublime song. Archivi
Gennaio 2025
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