Today I entrust the fruit of two years of work to the great father of waters: "My lady's breast - Portrait of an invisible", born during the lockdown, when I could not see my partner. A long time has passed and many things have changed in my life. Above all, now I see, whereas before my vision was darkened by a series of impediments. Yeah, now I don't trust anyone anymore. I only believe in the goodness of the actions of my partner and my son. This piece arises from the analysis of a Chopin chord agglomeration, in a Ballade by him and takes its first steps as a succession of 4 chords for piano, subsequently transformed into a fabric for strings. At times it has an elegiac tone, which conveys nostalgia for the loved one, but it is full of feelings and thoughts supported by the unshakeable hope of a reunion. I will present this piece at a Competition for Composers, in August. I am proud of my work. I am grateful to life, since I have a special Person next to me. Everyone should have a loving bosom that is his home. Everyone should have the chance to become a Person, after being invisible in the eyes of the system, who has never wanted the good of people. We have to rebel. It is a categorical imperative that we should not disregard. Today the Pandemic, which caused mental illness, is over, but the responsibilities of the rulers are still there and justice is being demanded in a healthy way. This passage was written with attention, dedication, it is my song of love towards the Person who has given me new meaning, giving me pure joy and peace. In the end, Humanity has always been on the road, between ruinous falls and sublime triumphs, we will make it this time too, but the good will of most is needed for an adequate reconstruction of society, which today is in very serious conditions, like a dying. The composition is full of emotions, given by 15 years of life together with She who knows and wants to feel good. I am the singer, with my means. My ability to see and analyze those internal layers of life which, if not listened to, remain unresolved for life, causing infernal mourning, has led me to affirm that this West is extremely ill, being necessary a treatment full of interpretative intelligence and full of pathos. In the West they made us all ill: the Pandemic was only the final blow. I often wonder what the solution could be. I believe that each of us has the right to healthy love. A Companion, a companion who makes us love our existence, doesn't want to distort us and helps us to move towards our best Identity. I see pain, all around. Confusion. Loss. Love is the answer. The love that interprets everything, rigorously, and heals everything, including the ugliest wounds. I was invisible and I became my Partner's Person, the one with whom she decided to live. Power does not love. She has never loved. Power subjugates. He cheats. It leverages power relationships, but it doesn't love. We have to protect ourselves. I chose not to join this criminal design 15 years ago, when I met the one who would become my Muse. Now I have the right to live. I have the right to do well. I have the right to love. This composition is symphonic and conveys a hope: we can all build a kingdom of Beauty that shows us the way. The path has been known since ancient times and whispers to the hearts of men, narrating the story of the individual who cannot be reduced to a servant of the powerful. This piece wants to communicate love and has many different colors inside. It's a story. The amazement of those who, after a long storm, are welcomed by loving hands that take care of them, feed them and watch over them. I feel like a very lucky man. Finally, I can decide what to do good in my life, for whom and how. This composition is a hymn to Beauty, without which I wouldn't know where I would have been. I want to say that life offers us countless possibilities once we leave the path of toxic ways and destructive people. I don't want to go back. I too want my life to be Beauty, and I really believe I have the right to do so.
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AuthorIn this era of lies, projected on a world scale, authentic words are needed. This is my message to the world for a peaceful revolution leading us to a New Age of Light. Archivi
Dicembre 2023
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