The system is in psychotic breakdown. People are confused. A Revolution of consciences is urgently needed, which will lead us towards the New Era of Light. The Anglo-American empire has definitively imploded on itself, leaving a trail of fears and anxieties. People live as they can. They do their best. We are all incredulous. No one could have ever imagined such a high degree of mental splitting of the powerful. We need a real global rebellion. Something never seen before, against all the elites of the world. They want to drag us into the abyss. The abyss has never been so close as now. We have to wake up. We have to move. We must rise up. We gather around the people we love, since there has always been the answer to our desire for health and peace. We try to walk suspended along the abyss so as not to perish. We balance above the devastation and poverty of soul of people in power who would not bring a glass of water to a dying person. Many have delegated their thoughts to the highest bidder. Many have not cared. Many have let others decide, who, in perfect bad faith, have taken advantage of it. I am watching, as I have done in the last fifteen years, since I met my Companion. This world is saved only united. All united, against the bloody tyranny. I, my part of the world, saved it. I saved myself from confusion, I woke up, in these last three years of Pandemia, I can get my son to relate to a father who only wants beautiful things. I don't believe a line of what the journalists write. Not anymore. The one based on the Pandemic was a brutal awakening. They took everything from us. They would have also wanted to take away our hope, to reduce us to a larval state of foolish servants of the powerful. Unfortunately many have been lost. Many, too many, believed the official narrative. Those who didn't believe it are now on the margins of society and can no longer re-enter the community. Their work of ghettoization has been masterful. But there is a possibility that they do not contemplate: we can all unite. We can all say enough. We can all be reborn. It's up to us. We deserve a better, fair and healthy world. Historians will establish how it was possible for the whole world to be seduced by sick individuals. Violent. Sneaky. There is a world to be refounded, from the foundations. A new way of being together is more necessary than ever, a conditio sine qua non. The three years of Pandemia have been a centrifuge and have left many in a serious mental condition, which no one takes care of, because the rulers are intent on completing their murderous project. In April 2019 I published my first novel, "Musa - Thoughts of an artist", in which I analyzed what made this system of power hateful. Shortly thereafter the Pandemic, during which I saw some of my strong points confirmed, while others were added. It was all studied at the table. It was all bloody determined down to the smallest detail. It's the tail slap of a dying creature that has decided to take as many people with it as possible in a lethal crash with the ground. They want a unipolar world. They are dying, but they want it. They do not intend to make room for a world of happy peoples. No one can determine how a Person can attain joy. There are no rules, schemes. No authority imposed from above. We are all on the way. We are all looking for ourselves, in a continuity of solutions that tend towards infinity. They want to take away the joy of being human. I follow everything from afar. My little kingdom dwells elsewhere. I am not a child of this time. I don't belong in this sick society. It took me all my life to be able to say serene, now I can't tolerate someone entering my house and telling me what to do. At this juncture, calm is needed. Cold blood. Analytical skills. Too many people have fallen into the collective hypnosis of the Pandemic and now they no longer understand anything. The project to split the company in two has been perfectly successful. Now they are sure that they can rule a people of sheep for eternity, since, for them, this is the end of history, the definitive setting of the new world order. They have prepared quite a beautiful world, I give it to them. I am out of any competition. Competitiveness. Struggle. The only battle I want to face is the one for a New Era of Light, which is the opposite of what we see now on the streets of our cities. I'm curious. I want to see where this delusion will lead. You can't leave this world in the hands of four sociopaths. They must be locked up. Every day people are locked up for much less. They all deserve jail time.
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AuthorIn this era of lies, projected on a world scale, authentic words are needed. This is my message to the world for a peaceful revolution leading us to a New Age of Light. Archivi
Dicembre 2023
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