"To the men of science, who have always saved Humanity from darkness, often opposed, so much so that they became "Martyrs of Truth, such as Dr. Giuseppe De Donno." To the world From another world Nov. 19, 2023 Story of a music May the Revolution begin This is the dedication on the title page of the score of the 1st Movement of this symphonic poem, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind." It should not have required the sacrifice of one's life to affirm that snow is white and grass green, but, in an absurd and awful world, the best have been vilified, outraged, annihilated by an information system, the very arm of a dissociated and murderous politics, which has been cowardly engaged in the extermination of other thinking. Dr. De Donno, who fought for the good of the people and his patients, is proof of this. He only wanted to save lives. He was attacked. They gave him no chance. They reduced him to ashes. He took his own life, in despair. We may never see the perpetrators in jail, but History has already condemned them, and in the future, when the 2020 / 2023 triennium is studied, justice will be done to those who wanted things well done, stigmatizing those who instead were paid by the system to make an already serious situation an operation to assassinate the best minds around, not homologated with the dominant thought. Today I am grateful to life for what it has given me. I am grateful for the opportunity to see the greenery in my garden grow timidly but unceasingly. I am grateful, yes, because I can still write whatever I want, despite a world where thinking otherwise is subjected to censorship, mockery and mystification. I know how extraordinary things Mankind can do, and I trust that it can express itself at its best, because we deserve the chance to live in harmony all together, perceiving ourselves as brothers. To do this, to overcome the collective pain that grips Mankind, we need the Cure. We need to heal. We must accept ourselves, identify ourselves and dedicate ourselves to love. This music, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," revolves around Jung's concept of "Individuation," a psychic reality on which I have been reflecting for at least 4 months, ever since I began to analyze my Companion's ability to cast out the past, separating from it gracefully, never to return. I was reading online about how the concept of "Individuation" can be explicated as the approaching of the ego toward the self, but in my opinion there is a further dimension, that of the fusion of the ego with the self, in a task union, through a mathematical union of two sets, which is able to generate an accomplished harmony of these two entities, through the grace of a gentle and heartfelt dance, which allows, finally, the individual, to transform into a Person who decides, once and for all, never to go back to its destructive phase. I have been walking for 15 years together with my Companion. It can be said that I took my first steps of true life with her, thanks to her and today I am glad to be able to create something worthy, to make her smile and share new attempts at a growing form of well-being, through which we can enjoy the collective joy of a tribe that knows how to experience the cosmos and its gifts. When one is healed, then one can attend to the health of others, so that, slowly, all of Humanity is better off. I am grateful to life, yes, because now I see, I have the ability to discern what is good, distinguishing it from what is not. Now my existence has a meaning, the one I have traced along the path, after many trials and small, great victories. I feel that I have become the man I wanted to be as a child. I feel how well I am doing. I feel that I am no longer alone. All this gives me pure joy. I serenely wait for People to stop warring with each other, because another way of being together is still possible, just waking up and looking around benevolently, ready to embrace those who really want to feel close to us, in vision and existential planning. Let's come to the composition: it all stemmed from 32 bars for solo piano, which I had titled "Letter," written at the end of July 2023, with which I dreamed of being able to compose music with orchestra, a solo instrument and a narrative voice, telling the exploits of a little girl able to grow up, cast out the past and become a wonderful Woman, just like my Companion. Everything I have been writing for 15 years has centered on her image as a Person capable of working wonders. This music is divided into 4 parts, real Movements: 1. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" 2. "Letter from the little girl who chased away the past" 3. "Vision" 4. "Mosaic of glows" This is a concept album, revolving around the concept of "Individuation," which is its real driving force, axis and glue. The first Movement, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," was written in a few days, then underwent painstaking labor limae, which allowed it to be as polished as I wanted it to be. There are two themes in the Movement, one warlike and one loving, which alternate with the intention of recomposing a desirable unity, between our warrior side and the other side that wishes to leave everything behind to embrace that love that can resignify everything. The 4 Movements of music constitute a true "Symphonic Poem," named after the first Movement, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind." In this Symphonic Poem there is the symphony orchestra, a choir and various electronic instruments, because of the intention of wanting to blend together timbres of a very different nature. I am behind these notes, in the silences of the pauses. Now, listening to it all over again, I feel a great well-being: the music, both in its formal and content components, is exactly as I dreamed and desired it to be. I feel joy, therefore. The composition is varied, when there are repetitions it is to emphasize a construct that the musician wanted to reiterate, the rhythm, at times, is pressing. This is my letter to the world, in sounds. A work with which I yearn to communicate how the best is possible, desirable, achievable. We are here to do great things, I have always known this and together we can erect monumental constructions, of majestic beauty. I conceived this music for a very large ensemble. It was my first time in this instance. Now I can say how completely successful I find the experiment, capable of generating moments of poignant pulchritude. In this Symphonic Poem, one finds belligerent themes opposing the human landscape that is before the eyes of those who wish to see accurately what powerful and media are preparing for the future of Humanity. We live in a dystopian age in which everything that is decided by governments is a negative act, against the desires and needs of the people, among whom many are, alas, gone, will no longer be salvageable, since they have allowed themselves to be poisoned by the lies of television. A people of virgins who offer themselves to the Dragon, for a place on television stations, of dwarves who play intellectuals, of mindless thinkers who exalt violence against the different one on duty, resulting in the death of otherness, in a process of nullification of the human being that opens the door to the man-machine of science fiction, an individual who will no longer process constructs independently, but will be happy to think what will be whispered to him to judge as good or bad. My music openly opposes this empty and venomous scenario, in which Mankind will surely lose its Beauty. Mine, always, has been a militant music, since it fights for a bright future in which People could live happily. I know that day may come, I await it, and if I do not see it, I will still have lived a life in pursuit of a good thing. This is a historical epoch that will have to be studied in detail by historians and especially by anthropologists and psychiatrists, because our society has lost all good and is being led by subjects of unspeakable perfidy... I am convinced that something good could happen, for everyone, but it is conditio sine qua non to free ourselves from all that evil that suffocates us every day. Urgent the Cure... This symphonic poem, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind," is a denunciation against those lords who, in total blindness and perfidy, rule the world by maliciously deciding the fate of peoples. These individuals have always intended to undermine the foundations of human life, and this process can no longer be tolerated. It is time to unite and say, "Enough!" The music of this symphonic poem is rich. I worked on harmonies, rhythms, and instrument choices. I worked, within the 4 scores, so that there was always a universalistic breath, tending toward the full realization of a society in which every child who is born is a gift, a prodigy, an opportunity on the part of adults to do right by the children of a Humanity that has been imprisoned for too long. We have been tortured, and those who say otherwise lie first of all to themselves, and then spread the poison to everyone they meet along the way. I am fed up with the lies, during the Pandemic, which was a Schizodemic, they instilled the worst poison in the mouths of most, who genuflected to an evil too strong, capable of devastating the entire social fabric created by man over centuries of work. They have hurt us. Too much. It can no longer be tolerated that they go ahead with their deadly project, which enriches a handful of individuals in order to destroy and impoverish almost all the people. This symphonic poem has parts that recur within the 4 Movements, as if to emphasize a continuity and a Fil Rouge that inexorably binds various musical structures. I am satisfied with the timbral impasto. I have always wanted to write for orchestra. The powerful do not want you to be able to identify yourself: unhinge the lying superstructures above us, life can be truly beautiful and we can create a wonderful existence, in the company of People capable of respecting and loving us. This music is a hymn to the Revolution of Consciences, which are in us and intend to show us the way, made of goodness and justice, truth and Beauty. One day, all this mental disorder and chaos in Western societies will be a distant bad memory and a warning to all future generations not to repeat the same mistakes. To not be incensed by the media, which will no longer have to be the military arm of the elites. To never be destabilized by anyone, since one's balance and center will be judged sacred. To not perish behind the lies of those who want your harm. There is still hope, let us not forget. There is so much love in the world, an unequivocal answer to all the rot of the powerful. There are those who want to protect themselves from attack, and, resisting, dream of being at peace with each other in order to help each other as brothers. This symphonic poem strongly and determinedly reaffirms the right of a human being to grow up in an environment that is not hostile to him or her, in order to be able to assert his or her authentic identity without being attacked and considered a danger to society. When we all identify ourselves, the world will be a peaceful place. There is a very deep psychiatric need, which needs to be taken into account, to generate the possibility of prevention and treatment for all. Pain is not mocked. Pain is overcome, with the proper help, and then we are able to lift up the brothers and sisters we meet along the way. In my music, there is a voice that cries out for justice. It is my own, that of when I was a child and longed for a beautiful world. Children were treated badly today, during the Pandemic, and this should never have happened. I write for all children. A just world should be built especially for them. There is great hope, in this symphonic, unstoppable poem, as I believe that Mankind should never kneel to any powerful. I sing the sweetness of an embrace. The smile of the Beloved Person. The memory of a Father capable of seeing beyond. I have been composing regularly for 15 years, ever since my Companion resignified me, and I must say that this is a relative high point for me in my artistic production. First, because of the ensemble: orchestra, choir, electronic instruments, then because of the broad scope to which this artistic creature tends. Finally, the pathos, that ecstatic yearning with which the music tends to hymn to a better tomorrow for all. I believe it. I have to believe it. I do not want to resign myself to it. With time, with perseverance, with commitment and attention, I am closer to my Self, and I feel that, for me, this is the only way forward, the best way. There is a dark force, which has been going around the world for centuries and is the fruit of the lives of unstable people, dedicated to the devastation of others' existences, which has exacerbated the suffering of millions of people, making them almost unbearable. Their power must end, now. Recently, in a view that has persisted for centuries, from 1989, the year of the fall of the Berlin Wall, until now, their grip has become asphyxiating. Their venomous media. Their iniquitous laws. Man must say, "Enough." Such a violent and lying power design is no longer tolerable. One day, someone will say such beautiful and profound words that so many People will follow and find it right. It will be the beginning of the New Age of Light, in which care and freedom will be defended as immovable pillars of togetherness. We will then be equipped with all the tools necessary to protect life and no one will be allowed to offend it anymore, in any way. These thoughts animated me while writing this symphonic poem, "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind." They are revolutionary acts these mental constructs with which I feel I am doing well. I have been reflecting on these realities for years, in the last 4 months even more so, since I felt strong writing about a little girl's "Letter" to the world, a letter with which she would cast out the past, after becoming a girl, in a rebellious motion capable of giving her the serenity of being authentically herself. My intent was indeed prodigious, since I, in this "Letter" saw the words of my Companion, who has long since identified herself and proudly shows her smile to those she meets on the street. In the title, there is that verb "Heal me," because we all need to be healed of the evil of a psychotic world that wants us to be slaves. The music is powerful. Now that I listen to it again, I can say that with certainty. There is a need for art in this remnant of the century, not that commodity passed off as creativity on which the powerful make money to undo the psyches of many, but something that is able to speak to hearts and let minds think. Something that excites us deep in our hearts. Something that soars with us, because we are all called to live well. Here, I, with my militant music, have this mission. I try to awaken myself and await the awakening of my fellow human beings. In the past year, I sent a piece of music to a Composition Competition and now I have written this symphonic poem and feel that I am on my path, the best path that existence could set before me. This music is as beautiful as I could compose, I mean that very frankly. The 4 Movements end with the same ending: it is an operation born of reflection, as if to say that all those sounds end with the same solution. Today I wake up with my Companion. We joke. We hug each other. We enjoy a good breakfast, and that is all thanks to our commitment to affirming our diversity. I could never have lived in the norm, which is murderous. I could never have moved in a deeply sick society, which is mockery of the one who bears a difference in views, in intent, in feelings. One day the different people of the world will unite. They will be the noblest people ever seen on the face of the earth. Until then, it will be good to tend to one's own garden, in which, perhaps, a beautiful grass grows, with a greenness capable of warming the heart. I am satisfied with the level reached by my music. I always compose, when I have ideas, which, often, arise on their own, in perfect autonomy, perhaps while putting the dishes back in the sink. For me, now, composing music has become the mission of my existence, I feel the greatness of it, and I am really happy in being able to relate to the world in this mode. With this symphonic poem, I intend to convey a signal of peace, which will only be achieved through the unarmed struggle between us and our immature parts, the depth of constructive thinking against our most innate fears, the desire to be a healthy Person and the destructiveness of the child who has perhaps felt frustrated and abandoned. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is an act by which I build a bridge between me and People who are searching for their good selves. We could live so well together. I believe this from the depths of my being. Instead, we are being directed by putrescent individuals who want peoples' evil. In the West, this dynamic is now clear. They are a ruling class of murderers, hardened criminals, dedicated to war, always leaving poor young men in the trenches fighting in the name of a homeland that has taken everything from them. Let us rebel, as did Dr. De Donno, whose teaching will not fall into oblivion, for those like me. There is much to be done. There is a world to be rebuilt from the ground up. There is to isolate, to put in the condition of no longer harming anyone, a whole plethora of powerful people who would be ready to put the whole world to the sword, for their own lust for power. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is meant to represent the intrapsychic struggle between good, love, and evil, devastation. No one is excluded from this dynamic of struggle, we all go through it, some before and some after, and we have to come to terms with it, to identify ourselves and finally discover ourselves capable of loving, working, taking care of our Beauty and the health of those we love. In this Symphonic Poem, which consists of 4 Movements, there are continuous changes of rhythm. The dimensions of the Movements are remarkable. The ensemble is vast: there is the union of the Symphony Orchestra with the Choir and electronic instruments, to create a crucible where timbres of a heterogeneous nature can merge. Overall, the writing of this Symphonic Poem in 4 Movements turned out to be complex, difficult at times, but I think I generated something good. I worked steadily within the marks of these 4 Scores, I am convinced that I was inspired, and now, that I have almost finished the work, I am happy. In life, it matters to know how to take care of the people you love. This is the message that this Composition carries. At times, existence is indeed difficult, but there is a great reward for those who endure, take the journey to the source of their Self and build a present made up of small joys, staying away from the evils of the world and its deafening violent calls, which undermine the today of men to reduce them to chains. This Composition is for Life. Let us love each other, that is all we have left to do, and, if we have succeeded in loving each other, our existence will not have been in vain. Our earthly days vibrate with an innate fragility. It is good to accept this, living with our loved ones moments of pure good, because the struggle, outside, rages. "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is a hymn to the Beauty of being human. It is a dance, around a center, which is one's Self identified through a long and courageous search. There is a gift, for those who set out, that is revealed with each step with the joy of being able to feel alive along the path. This Composition revolves around the concept of worthy existence, which is by no means something taken for granted. Diversity is upsetting. Thinking that we are all different and should not scare us out of a relationship with someone who is not us. The self is calling us. It wants to merge with us. It is up to us to accept it. There is no nobler mission than Individuation. To Individualize is also to save ourselves and to be able to help the People we love to Individualize.... This Composition is a song to the life of a 50-year-old man who one day, tired of pain, set out along a path he had never seen, to start walking. From that day on, his life improved.... "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" is the fruit of the reflections of 4 months in which I worked steadily, among the peaks of the Aosta Valley, the Alpe di Siusi and my home. I will always remember the green meadow in front of Monte Rosa. This composition is dedicated to men of science and to my mother, who is constantly searching for light. From a world To the world December 3, 2023 Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind - Notes We are all on our way 1st Movement This Tempo, which is entitled "Heal me from the darkness of the world's mind" and gives its name to the whole symphonic poem, begins with an orchestral Tutti, expounding Theme A. It is a spreading song. It is the awakening after a long winter. Enter Theme B, supported by the strings, with a solo Horn. It is life taking back its place. The Chorus sings. There is the electronic instruments part, counterpointed by the strings. There is a movement within the piece, which is rhythmic and harmonic. Themes follow one another, in a continuity intended to represent the motion of each Person's existence. There is the light of love and the cool tones of a struggle for self-affirmation that has always accompanied the existence of individuals. The Chorus affirms. The Strings console. The Piano declaims. It is an eternal dance: the brass sing a melody and Theme B repeats, with absolute sharpness. Theme A, of struggle, and Theme B, of love, are intimately connected by the same vital impulse, since, in life, to affirm one's Self requires a struggle within ourselves, against certain parts of us, which do not want to evolve. Theme B, full of pathos, is a representation of what a man feels for his Partner, whom he loves above all else. The Piano resumes a small harmony. Theme A reasserts itself. It is intimately powerful, in its "fortissimo" dynamic. The rock part is striking. The strings splendid in their harmonies. The Chorus utters words of hope. One cannot give up. One can give oneself a moment to oneself, but then one must get back on the path, always. The path of men is beautiful. One must love it. To love oneself. Loving people, being close to them and following them in their process of Individuation and Healing. There is no nobler destiny, ever. The A Theme of Struggle presents itself again in its crystalline majesty. There is no more beautiful path than that which leads to embracing our innermost Self in order to never leave it again and to modulate ourselves according to it in order to face a meaningful existence. To the Piano the final coda. 2nd Movement The 2nd Tempo opens with an orchestral Tutti and is entitled "Letter from the little girl who chased away the past" is dedicated to two women who love me so much: my Companion and my mother, two seekers of the Sun. Enter the Chorus, which gives way to a small Piano part, which is succeeded by the return of the initial Theme A. Into this Movement flowed a part for Pianoforte that I had written in Val d'Aosta, when, in the scraps of time, while my Companion was resting after long walks in the heights, I was composing with my little computer. The opening Theme A returns in a mighty way. It is cheerful. It communicates joy and the Piano resumes its part. There is a brief intervention of percussion and brass, but we can well say that the Piano plays the role of the solo instrument. The rock part arrives. The Piano is answered the massive way by the Orchestra with its Tutti. It is always all about man's ability to individuate himself and the strings comment with various harmonies. The Piano resumes its dance, which at times becomes really heartfelt in a ternary rhythm. The strings, from time to time, intervene, and the Piano resumes its weaving. For the Individuation of our good selves we fight an incredible battle. This music is proof of that. The Piano reiterates certain harmonies. It is the sense of the intrapsychic struggle between us and parts of us and the war out there against a murderous world that wants to enslave us to a form of existence that cannot give us joy. The Persona, inevitably, is struggling within itself, has one part that wants to individuate itself and another part that wishes to remain as it is, childish and rabid, indeterminate and sterile and also lives in disagreement with a system of rules that want it enslaved, without high aspirations and legitimate rights. 3rd Movement "Vision." Begins with a Piano succession, then picks up the Theme of the 2nd Movement. There is an opening Theme of this 3rd Tempo that communicates indeterminacy., which is followed by a rapid part of the woodwinds. The strings soothe the atmosphere. The Piano produces itself in rapid high notes. The struggle continues. It is an inner disagreement between the part that wants to grow and the part that wants to regress. It is a battle with the world. The first Flute expounds an idea. Along comes Theme B and after it the Chorus, with dulcet sounds. Peremptorily returns Theme A. Strings in tension toward the goal. Winds. The Brass move in a harmonic fabric. There is the Theme of the Strings and the resumption of the Theme of the Woodwind, subtly counting the opening theme with the Tutti orchestral. The Love Theme emerges. Love all heals. Everything resignifies. Everything hopes and everything makes possible. There is the Strings Theme and the resumption of the Woodwind Theme, with a sudden resumption of the initial theme with the orchestral Tutti. The love theme emerges. Love heals everything. Everything has new meaning. He hopes for everything and makes everything possible, even when the event seems unlikely. The Person wants to feel good. We have all experienced well-being and know how to recognize it. The Rock part arrives, to which the strings respond, and then the Love Theme is reproduced. The brass instruments create a placid atmosphere, which the woodwinds give emphasis to. The Person fights against their own limits and against a world that does not want them to be fulfilled, but rather dominated by the oppression of the powerful. It is a reality that we all experience, sooner or later, from which our most authentic Self must emerge, wanting us to be fulfilled, serene, at peace with ourselves and the world. Strings in long notes. The love theme returns, which is warm and enveloping and involves a large part of the orchestra. Rock moment. The piano and the first flute alternate. It is a vision that unfolds in a lively piano in ternary time. You need a vision in life. I have mine, which foresees that one day not too far away people will be able to respect each other without any more disagreements. Another Rock moment. A Vision is more necessary than ever. It is a sine qua non. It is the engine of our existence. The Strings weave the plot. In these songs all the timbres blend together. The piano has the task of bringing the piece to the end, in a thing made of chords. The battle has begun. It is urgent to be brave. 4th Movement The 4th movement opens with a militant theme. The battle has now begun and the Person intends to be well. A flute sings its melody. Ottoni responds. Strings create rhythmic movement. The strings return with an incessant Horn melody. Theme A comes back. It's war. A war conflict within us. Individuation awaits us. Our Self is ready to embrace us and never leave us again. We have always had our good selves. They had always been there waiting for us to reveal them to ourselves, to create a new Person, capable of living, loving and working. Our path is unveiling. It's revelation. Epiphany. It means tending more and more towards sacred love for ourselves and those around us. Theme B of love takes over, with strings, brass and woodwind. Love can heal. Hope changes the brain. Every person is born with the destiny of being able to fully realize themselves. This is our primary task. The internal struggle within us is between light and darkness. Between creation and destruction, blind violence and domination. I changed myself because I was tired of suffering, like many people I met along my path. The long search has begun. Humanity is on a journey. There are those who long to see her defeated. There are those who, every day, fight in the trenches to save a life. The moment is fateful. No one should be left behind. Everyone will identify themselves and save a portion of the world. Flashes. You will see flashes, in a kaleidoscopic mosaic. Salvation will be celebrated for all those who wanted to take part in the joy of the tribe.
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AuthorIn this era of lies, projected on a world scale, authentic words are needed. This is my message to the world for a peaceful revolution leading us to a New Age of Light. Archivi
Dicembre 2023
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